Summarized from a consultation originally recorded on July 24th, 2024.
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Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: Starting at the top, we're going to recommend, you know, enough products to kind of build a basic routine. These are four basic products, including your cleanser, Your toning mist, your serum, and your facial oil in that order. We have a ton of products, so you could, of course, go broader. If there's time, we'll get into eye products, masks, scrubs, boosters. You can go slimmer! The slimmest variation I would recommend to start With would be a cleanser and an oil. I of course think the other products are important and supportive, but if you're on a super tight budget or you are, you know, not ready for all four products in your routine, start with the cleanser and the oil. So starting at the top. Let's talk about some cleansers. Your cleansing step is going to be important for any age and any stage really. And selecting the right cleanser for your skin type and needs is also going to be kind of like how we're setting up the success of the entire line that follows. With the cleansing step, we're cleansing in the morning to basically rinse off. whatever was released overnight. When you slip into this natural rest and repair cycle, specifically during REM sleep, your skin kind of expands a little bit. There's usually a little bit of a release that happens kind of like excretion. So you might be a little bit Sweatier or like an oilier in the morning, that's pretty common. And so cleansing in the morning is a great way to just kind of rinse that off and prep the skin.
This is removing anything that built up during the day. Again, sweat, oil, any released makeup if you're exposed to the elements at all, this could be anything, any pollutant that's in the air that we're rinsing off. All of the cleansers that I'm gonna mention are good for daily makeup. For heavier makeup, you might do a couple, you might do one cleanse and then a second cleanse or come in with two. Either a scrub or another product that I'll mention here, but for like, right, you know, just your daily foundation or tinted moisturizer mineral foundation. These are solid. These are great. Let's get into some of them here.
So the first one. I'll get into it. This is the Aloe Herb Cleanser and this is a very classic cleanser.
If you've been exposed to the line at all, if you had tried the clean beauty trial kit you've definitely seen this one. The consistency of this is this very kind of soft lotion feel. I'll see if we pick up the consistency here. It's got a little bit of thinness to it. So you'll see it'll kind of run down my hand. None of the products that we carry are going to bubble up. So even the citrus mint cleanser that I'm not going to spend time on because it's largely for oilier skin. Even that one, there's no subzing. We don't use any surfactants. Not even a sugar derived surfactant, and that's by design.
What we're using to cleanse the skin is basically the aloe vera. Aloe, when it mixes with water, takes on this kind of saponification aspect, and so it's helping to pull up and basically, like, pull to it anything it would need to cleanse off. Now this particular formulation, the Aloe Herb Cleanser, does have a little bit of coconut oil in it.
It's a pretty small amount, and so the ratio is still really perfect for most skin types. Oilier skin, I think it would be a little bit much for it, but if your skin's normal, definitely if you're normal to dry, showing signs of aging, so creasing, the appearance of fine lines, the look of drooping skin. This is also a particularly good one. If you are prone to temporary redness, this is typically the one that I recommend for any kind of flare up. But for general dryness especially if dryness is a large concern signs of aging, the appearance of fine lines. This is a great one for softening the appearance of fine lines normal skin, of course, this is super supportive for and how we're using this is pretty straightforward, right? We're rinsing our fingers, getting our face wet. I usually do about three pumps on the edge of my hand here and then kind of pat my fingers together and then just come in and gently massage. I shoot for about a minute. I don't go so far as, like, timing it to be exact, but I shoot for about a minute to leave this one on the skin. Now, the next one is the wild alchemy guy here.
This is the Phytonutrient Cleanser.
Now, true to the line, this one is pretty focused on addressing signs of aging. This one is a little bit more full in its consistency here. The Aloe Herb Cleanser got a little bit more of this like light lotion feel. One of the key ingredients in the phytonutrient cleanser is this really lush mango seed butter, which has a lot of different fatty acids. The consistency really picks up this like full bodied fatty feel to it. So this is a really nice one for dry skin. This is of course a really good one for skin that's experiencing almost any sign of aging. The the appearance of fine lines are super supported with our Signature Serum blend. It's this kind of aloe, floral, steeped combo that's pretty directly addressing signs of aging in the the appearance of fine lines with repeated facial expressions. So along the forehead, sides of the eyes, sides of the mouth, things like that. I do typically recommend and emphasize that you try to use this one at least 30 seconds on the face just to give that time to actually absorb it into the skin versus just kind of like on the face and down the drain, making sure that you're getting all the benefits of it. This also has some malic acid in it. It's got a little bit of apple extract. And so this is helpful for very gently stimulating the skin. It's not so much that you get any kind of tingle or activity with it. But just a gentle exfoliation gentle, like, very mild exfoliation. And so for uneven skin tone and sun damage, this is also helpful.
For signs of aging, which is kind of the consensus as far as concerns here, this is probably the one you're going to go with. Because the price point on this one is a little bit higher, it's not uncommon to maybe have this one and the Aloe Herb Cleanser and alternate. Or maybe you get this one and This guy, this is called the renew cleanser.
I don't usually talk about it too much on the calls because it's part of the essential collection. So the formulation process is very bare bones. But in terms of alternating, it's a pretty low price point. And so it's nice to have that as an option. As you're, as you're, you know, considering ways to go the only people who I wouldn't necessarily say this is best for would be somebody who's really dry to the point that their skin feels prone to redness. So even if they're not necessarily a prone to redness skin type, if their skin is dry or parched or lacking moisture to the point that using products on it feels uncomfortable this one might be a little bit intense. In that case, I would say the Aloe Herb Cleanser is best for you. But otherwise, this is probably the one we're going to go with here. Let's pause with that and see questions that might have come up about cleansers or about anything I've talked about so far.
Grace – Annmarie Skin Care Marketing Assistant: There's one in the chat that I gave a little bit of some recommendations for, but wanted to see if you had any tips and tricks as well. Do you recommend using a facial scrub daily?
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: Ooh, it depends on the scrub. So we have one that we call our Ayurvedic Facial Scrub, it's a loose, dry scrub.

That one you could potentially use daily. If you're going to use it daily, you're likely going to be mixing it into a cleanser. Something like the Aloe herb Cleanser or the Phytonutrient Cleanser, even that one, although it's pretty mild, it can feel a little bit drying after a couple of days. The other cleanse like scrub option that we have that is a true scrub that has texture to it is this one This is the kaolin micro exfoliant And this one I I've yet to work with somebody who can use this comfortably every day If your skin was like really tough or really oily perhaps that would be one that you might be able to use more often But usually about three to four days in it starts to feel dry. It starts to feel like Too much. You're really buffing a lot of excess you know, kind of dead skin buildup off. And so I typically say stick to about once a week. Now, if you're speaking about maybe another brand's cleanser, I don't know that I could necessarily answer it because I don't know what is in that product, but likely if it's got a lot of texture to it, I would probably say you'll get about three days max and then start to feel dry or thin or tight or something like that.
Speaker 5: Sorry. What I meant was I'm using the Phytonutrient cleanser. Mm-Hmm. . So instead of putting it on my hands and just, I have a brush, you know, like a rotating brush that I put it on. So that's what I meant, not the other cleansers. Yes. So can I use that kind of brush I buy from Amazon and they have different, you know different type rotation things to scrub your face because I have oily skin, right? I use it daily, so I'm not sure if I'm over scrubbing my face.
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: Yeah, so usually in cases like that your skin is a pretty good guide. So if you're using Clarisonic or some type of scrub brush like our Exfoliating Brush, which are perfectly fine to use with our products, they actually pair really nicely together.

You might be able to use it every day. There are certain skin types. that you probably could get away with using it every day. But I would say let your skin be your guide. So if you haven't tried it yet, try it, try maybe three days on and then feel how it kind of feels. And if it feels good, you could do a fourth day, you could do a fifth day something like that. But it still could be the case that you're only wanting like three or four days on and then you take a couple days off. That's going to be a thing that I would just really refer to how your skin feels.
Customer: I kind of use it daily. So I feel good about it.
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: yeah, if that feels comfortable, then I think that's fine.
Customer: I did have a question. So I'm curious about going back and forth using the two different cleansers. In terms of your face adjusting to, having different products. I've used the same facial cleanser, which is not your line, but I have used your line before. I feel like every time I try something new, my face, just after a while, doesn't adapt to the new cleanser and so then I'm going back to the thing that I've used since I was like 20. so I'm just curious about what helps your face adapt to something new.
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: That's a really good question and a really good point. In general, when you're transitioning from one, you know, either a series of products or a line to another line, there is typically kind of an adjustment period that can look different for different people. And so it could be that the first two weeks your skin's a little bit tighter or drier than normal. It could even be that you go the other direction and that there's this, like, rebalancing of oil. So you might be oilier than normal. It could go because our products are very antioxidant dense in the direction that you have like small white breakouts. And those are typically around the nose or the lip.
It's like where the skin is really thin. All of that can be normal. And so I typically say, like, about two weeks is the time frame that we would allot for something like that. Once you get past that, if you're still experiencing dryness, if you're still experiencing oiliness, if you're still experiencing whatever it is that's, like, not your normal skin then I want to look at maybe that cleanser's not the right one for your skin type. Or if it's something like a ton of redness, like, let's talk about a reaction, right? This is more than just and I'm not sure if that's an adjustment. This is something's not agree with you. These products can feel more intense, especially if you're not quite used to that type of a line, so another tip that I typically recommend, which is not great for like the sales numbers necessarily, but it's to start with fewer products and integrate them and get them fully integrated before you add another product.
Because if you're shifting from like, you know, full drugstore line, that's usually when we see the biggest kind of like upset drugstore, even like Macy's, those products have a lot of synthetic emulsifiers and preservatives and then to shift to a line like ours, that can be quite an adjustment for the skin. And so. All of that is to say you can either invest in the full line and then integrate one at a time, usually with a two week spacing, right? Start with one, give it two weeks, start with another, give it two weeks, and then you can really kind of pinpoint if you are experiencing any upset, what product is causing it and what product you might need to exchange or, you know, might not be working for you. But then you also are going to like to decrease the likelihood that it's going to be a big upset. My skin was very dry. Very red. It was really shiny and felt really dry, just felt really tight. It wasn't comfortable. And then I actually started working with the team, I worked with our COO and we kind of laid out a plan, mapping the integration. And now of course, this is exclusively what I use. It has absolutely changed my skin and I guarantee I'm older than you think I am. Which I attribute a lot to the product. So. That was a really long winded answer to say, yes, that can happen. And here are some options.
Customer: I appreciate that. And I usually like at the first sign of I'm like, Oh, it's not working. And so I never have given anything for two weeks. So I appreciate that advice because I don't hang in there with it. I'm just like, look, it's not working. Yeah. And I revert back right away to what I know, you know I've been using Pure Fiji for about a year and I use Mary Kay for my facial, the volume firm. I've been using that for like two decades. Yeah. And so I just revert right back to that cleanser. I'm, you know, so I didn't know about the two week period. That makes a lot of sense. I appreciate it. Thank you.
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: One thing I will know is if you start to use something and you experience intense discomfort, so a lot of redness, a lot of tightness, a lot of flaking any kind of a rash that I would say stop immediately. So that would usually indicate more of a reaction than just kind of like, you know, adjusting. We're a little dry. We're a little oily. Maybe some breakouts. Anything.
Customer: Yeah. Bumps,
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: Anything that's like, I am in pain. This feels really bad. You know, a lot of times people will try so hard, they're so excited. They wanna start everything at once and then they will have an actual reaction and still continue to try to use it, which just exacerbates it. And it, you know, maybe we could integrate it and figure it out, but like, in pain, stop , stop and heal. And then we can work with how we might either exchange or get it into your routine. So, thank you. Yes. Perfect.
Grace – Annmarie Skin Care Marketing Assistant: There is one more in the chat, which I think is great. I have deep pores and oily skin. What can I use to deeply cleanse to remove the pores?
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: Deep pores and oily skin. So with pores, pores are really interesting because their size doesn't actually change. What happens is as you know, especially with oily skin, a pore can kind of get a Build up of oil that can cause an expansion in a poor. And so what we're working on is we're working on keeping the poor cleansed and then it's able to naturally kind of reduce in size. And this can be helped in a lot of ways. Controlling the oil consistent exfoliation and that could be something scrubby. It could be something acidic. We've got it. several products that we'll talk about that can help that. But cleanser wise, you know, here, we're still on this very first step for really oily skin. Citrus mint cleanser. This one here is probably a better fit than a lot of them.
This one is a gel consistency. We use peppermint, we use rosemary, we use neem in here. All of these are designed to kind of be cutting through oil and helping to gobble up oil so that then it's Being rinsed off. This again is not going to have any bubbling to it. It's closer to a bubbly or feel than the others, but I never can tell if this shows up very well.
It's just like a thin kind of gel consistency. That's best for oil there. So. I would start there. And then as we go throughout, I'll make suggestions for that particular concern that will support that. Okay, for the sake of time, I'm going to keep moving.
Customer: So even though you said Wild Alchemy is better for mature skin, you still recommend the Aloe Herb Cleanser?
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: So if the oiliness of your skin is a higher priority, We're working to control that. We want to get that at bay more than we're wanting to address signs of aging the Citrus Mint Cleanser. So this is a different one in the aloe herb than the one that I would suggest. For you.
Okay. Yes. No, I'm going to keep us moving along. As we're kind of getting towards the end here, Grace will make sure to include our email here. So any lingering question, we will get those answered and we'll still take some pauses. But I want to make sure we get to oil as we go through here. So toning this. Toning mist is your next step in your routine. This step we are using to provide this burst of skin support, essentially, a burst of hydration, burst of nutrition. It might be helping to control oil. It might be helping to soften the appearance of fine lines, helping with dry skin, depending on which one you go with.
Now the first one I'll mention, this is the Rosemary Toning Mist. And this one is very supportive for both signs of aging and oily skin. This one starts with a very light aloe base, aloe vera juice, and then we steep into it rosemary, neem, and white willow bark. Now rosemary is a really good one for softening the appearance of fine lines..
It's very vitamin rich, but rosemary is also very helpful for cutting through oil. And so just like cutting right through it, neem and white willow bark. Kind of gobble up excess oil. And so when we're misting this onto the skin, skin is nice and refreshed. It's not stripped, right? And so we're not using any alcohol in any of the toning. It's just nice and lightly kind of mattified. There and that's the rosemary toning mist. The next one is this one. This is the neroli toning mist. This one is kind of the next step in the line towards being more hydrating. The aloe vera provides this light burst of hydration and then the neroli essential oil is this beautifully aromatic skin softener. This one is particularly helpful for the appearance of fine lines. So I typically will recommend the neroli if your skin's on the normal side, normal to dry, or if you're kind of working with earlier signs of aging, So the appearance of fine lines maybe some creasing, maybe some dripping.
But the next one, this guy here, the Botanical Hydration Mist with Immortelle. This is typically what I suggest for more pronounced signs of aging. So this includes the look of drooping skin. This includes deeper lines. It of course includes the appearance of fine lines. But this, Also is very helpful for very dry skin. So this one, as opposed to the aloe vera as with the other two, this one starts with a blend of hydrosols. Hydrosols are like watery runoff that happens when you create an essential oil. And so the feel of them is very buttery, it's very soft. It's still aqueous in kind of the weight and the feel, but it's a little bit richer than just aloe vera juice. So for skin that's dry, or skin that shows signs of aging specifically because it's starting to dry out more, this is a pretty helpful one for that. The hydrosols that we chose, we've got both Rose and Immortelle in this one, and both of those are widely lauded for how they support softening the the appearance of fine lines.. Immortelle is sometimes known as helichrysum. We went with Immortelle because It's beautiful, but also because the actual plant has this legend of being the flower of immortality. And so we wanted to just emphasize that, lean into that with this particular mist. So for dry skin, for aging skin, this is the most ideal one. It also has a lot of ingredients. We have several different types of chamomile. We've got frankincense, that help if your skin is really prone to redness. For super prone to redness skin, this one could help to control redness or kind of soothe irritation. It didn't sound like that was a major concern of anyone, but that can sometimes happen if your skin is on the dry side that redness or irritation can come with it. And so this would be what I would recommend for the really dry, the more pronounced signs of aging or the prone to redness.
Grace – Annmarie Skin Care Marketing Assistant: Do you mind getting into a little bit of what the purpose of a toning mist is?
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: Oh yeah, of course. So the toning mist, so they are kind of this beautiful in between steps between the cleanser and the serum. All of our cleansers are pH balanced and so there isn't the need, like there is with some other lines, to rebalance the pH of the skin. It's already good. What they are primarily doing is providing that burst of hydration with the aloe vera juice or the hydrosols they're working to help to support the skin in a certain direction, right? You're controlling oil, softening, the appearance of fine lines, providing some moisture, helping to support signs of aging, you know, whichever one you're going with. They also are a really ideal kind of pre step before the serums. So all of our serums contain some variation of a humectant in them and a humectant is essentially this ingredient that Seeks out moisture in its environment, and then we'll pull it to it and plump up. Humectants are really important in your body in general, but in your skin specifically to help to plump up certain areas. This can be plumping up kind of a sallowness that happens oftentimes in the sides of the face. It can be plumping up the appearance of fine lines on the forehead or sides of the eyes. For example, And increasing so like sides of the mouth or the nasal labial folds. Humectants are pretty key in, you know, providing this very quick plumping effect to the skins when you have skin misted, when you've got a little bit of dampness on the skin there, that serum is kind of boosted that much further along. And so that there's just kind of this additional support when you're applying the serums when you've already got this. Toning mist applied to the skin. And so it kind of expedites the plumping process of the serums. A lot of times people, you know, when they're wanting to kind of shop and trim some products out, you know, shop with their budget, they really want to leave the toning mist out. I feel like it really changes the way the serum and the oil absorbs. And I definitely understand sometimes people are shopping on a budget. And so sometimes I'll even go so far as to say like, you know, leave a little water on your face. It's not the same as a toning mist, but it can kind of support the serum a little bit. So I, yeah, they're kind of like this in between boosters. That's supporting skin in a certain direction of oil, the appearance of fine lines, dryness, aging, things like that. Hopefully that answered that question for you.
Okay, cool. Let's get into serums here. I am going to leave a couple out. Based on the needs of the group here, I am going to talk about a lot of them. So get those guys ready. So your serum step serums in general, but true for our line for sure, serums tend to be a thinner consistency product, usually aqueous and base. And the reason is because when they're thinner and like a more watery feeling, ours start with aloe vera. They are able to absorb a little more deeply into the skin. And when I say something is absorbed into the skin, or talking about lower layers versus upper layers, there are five layers to your skin. The lower layers, typically being these lower three, the upper being these top two. the upper being what's visible, the lower being what you can't quite see yet. So the serums for our line and in general tend to be pretty focused. They tend to be kind of your treatment step. This is where we're working to address skin issues at a pretty deep level in the skin. And this can be varied depending on the serum. It can be creasing, it can be drooping, it can be uneven skin tone. Depending on the serum, it'll be kind of working in a different way, but it's a good rule of thumb to think of your serum as your treatment step. So we're working on the issues that we have the most concern with here.
This is the Anti-Aging Serum. And for those who have mentioned that you've tried the clean beauty trial kit, you've probably tried this one. This one is a very tried and true serum. It's also one of our early launches. And so I think that part of the popularity is people just use it forever and they love it. We do have two sizes in this one. I think we launched it in 22 because what we were finding, which was lovely, lovely news for us, was that the smaller one had a high purchase rate, which yay, but then it had a high repurchase rate. So we were seeing that people were investing in this one and then investing in this one over and over and over again. This was like the number one subscription to the product. But just in general, people were investing in it over and over again. And so the larger one's a little bit more cost effective. And obviously a little bit more sustainable. We definitely wanted to have that option out there. Now the ingredients in this, so this, a key ingredient in here is the hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is this ingredient. It's a humectant, right? So we're pulling moisture to it and we're plumping up. Hyaluronic acid is the.

pretty quick turnaround. So I think a lot of the popularity is because very quickly you'll notice the difference with like the appearance of fine lines creasing you know, smile lines, these lines that are just starting to kind of show this like depleted protein, depleted collagen effect there hyaluronic acid. Pretty quickly supports usually within the first two weeks. People notice the difference with this one. As far as plumping of the skin. This also has this really lovely floral blend that's steeped into it that works to support the strength of the skin that helps to stave off future creasing. Right? So we're working to soften the appearance, Of what is already there. And then we're working to strengthen the skin. So we're not seeing this happen at such a high rate. And that, you know, that's kind of the primary focus of this one. It's a pretty gentle blend, so if you are somebody who's prone to redness, this one's a pretty good one for you. But generally, dry skin, aging skin, the appearance of fine lines, creasing, elasticity. I've got another one that I like a little bit better for elasticity, but for the appearance of fine lines, this is a really nice one here. Anti-Aging Serum.
The next one is this one. This is the Citrus Stem Cell Serum here, and this is addressing two primary concerns. This is addressing the strength and resiliency of the skin, primarily in the form of drooping, sagging. You know, we're starting to see movement and gravity take its toll. The other big angle with this one is sunspots, sunspots. uneven skin tone on the face. So the side of this that's helping to support the strength of the skin, that is the stem cell component of this. We use orange peel derived stem cells, citrus peel derived stem cells. And it probably goes without saying, but just to be clear, all of the stem cells we use in our products are plant derived. There are different plants that provide the stem cells, but they're always going to be plant derived. So not bovine, not animal, no, no other option. Stem cells are super interesting because when we're using stem cells on the skin, they seep into the lower layers, right? Stem cells sit next to your existing skin cells. And then as these move up to the surface and kind of flatten out, your skin cells, imitate the behavior of stem cells, So what happens is it tends to take on this lifted feel, this lifted look to it is helping to combat drooping, helping to combat sagging in the face. The other angle here we've got uva ursi, we've got licorice root, and we've got almaberry. All of these are very potent and very direct skin brighteners. They're actually what's called a tyrosinase inhibitor. For the sake of time, I'm not going to spend as long as I might on this, what they are essentially is these ingredients that sit on pigmentation, they build up on active pigmentation, and they help to quiet down, right?
So, we're working to fade the appearance, literally fade the appearance of uneven skin tone. For both of those angles, it typically takes a little bit of time for you to notice a difference with this. It can be anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks for you to notice a difference. It could be anywhere from, you know, 6 to 8 to 12 weeks for somebody like a co-worker or, you know, a family member you don't see all the time to notice a difference. And I like to state that very clearly just to have realistic expectations that these products are incredibly effective, but the way they're working in the skin, you might not really start to see the difference until. Those skin cells have moved up to the top, so gone through a full skin cycle which is about four weeks, and then you're able to see what the, the visible work of what's been happening on the lower layers there. So yeah, that is the citrus, Citrus Stem Cell Serum here. Another thing to note with this one, It does have the smallest amount of hyaluronic acid of the serums here. So for oily skin, Dorothy, this might be the one that you like because it's just very gently providing some hydration to the skin. Pretty, it's on the lower end there.
Now the next two are part of the Wild Alchemy Collection here. The first one is this one. This is the Wild Fruit Serum. Now this one, true to the Wild Alchemy Collection, does address several angles of aging in one kind of product here. We've got the stem cells like we do with the citrus stem cell. These ones are Madonna Lily plant derived. They're functioning very similarly providing this like lifted, taut feel to the skin. So for pigmentation, uneven skin tone, sun spots this is helping to very pointedly address and fade that pigmentation. This also has a lot of hyaluronic acid. So we're getting this plumped look to the skin. One of the key differences in this one is that it has an ingredient called kakadu plum which is this very, very vitamin C. It's got a lot of vitamins actually, but vitamin C is a pretty key component of it. And vitamin C helps to even the overall complexion of the face. So whereas uva, root, we'll be working on. Vitamin C is working for this overall brightening of this overall tone evening to the skin. So they work really nicely together to fade sunspots to fade, you know, some damage and things like that but it's just kind of work a little bit differently. This is another one that's got a pretty high repurchase rate. We've discussed offering a larger size with this one. We actually were. Taking steps to put that forward and then another launch kind of over at it, which is going to be really cool. And it's the radiancy, they can be used in the morning. They can be used in the evening. pick one and stick with it. You could, you know, have two and then alternate. They all kind of have a similar consistency that I've mentioned so far, and it's this very kind of like light, thin, aloe y feel to it. This last one that I'm going to get into is different from a lot of different angles, and that is the Get it ready here. Activated Night Serum.

Now, this is a newer launch. We launched this last November, I think, and it has flown off the shelves with it. another widely loved product. What's really cool about this one is it's basically a retinol alternative. The key ingredient in here is called our bioactive a and it functions very similarly to retinol. So it's still exfoliating the skin. You still get this very taut, very smooth, almost glassy, clay look to the skin with this product. it does still increase photosensitivity, which is 1 of the reasons we suggest this overnight, not during the day. But it is not as aggressive. It's not depleting the body the same way a retinol does. It's not breaking the skin down in the same way a retinol does. This one is working with your body. What's also cool about this is even though it's got this really exfoliating ingredient, the consistency is super rich. Very full. You can see it's just not really even moving down my hand here. We've got a lot of plumpers, hydrators definitely have hyaluronic acid, and tremella mushrooms. Aside from that, we also included in here a lot of potent anti agers. We want this to be used overnight because we want to lean into the natural rest and repair cycle. So when your skin is soft, when your skin is kind of open and ready we want to be working with it and getting these potent anti agers into the skin. We're exfoliating the skin and smoothing the skin with the bioactive A, but then we're plumping, pumping in these plumpers, hyaluronic acid, tremella mushroom. And then these antiagers, we've got superoxide dismutase, we've got astaxanthin, black cumin seed. It's a pretty, pretty well rounded list here that provides this very plumped, very smooth look to the skin. It's safe for pretty much any skin type. Even though it's quite rich, I have several oily skin customers who use this a lot to control the oil in their skin. I have several dry skin customers who use this. If somebody's really dry and really prone to redness, you're probably going to start a little bit slower. So you might do this one night and see how you do and then take a night off and then do another night and see how you do and then kind of build up if you're a dryer or more prone to redness. This one is also cool because you can just do a couple nights a week.
My skin's pretty normal, normal to dry, but can be prone to redness. And with this one, I tend to only do about three nights in a row. And then I take a couple of nights off. And so I just kind of mind what my skin is needing and follow that. But it tends to be about three nights in a row and then a couple of nights off. But it feels wonderful. Smells wonderful. I've yet to work with anybody who experienced this flaking with this dryness with this. You, the most common thing is you might have cheeks that are a little bit pink. You might feel a little bit of warmth or your skin might, along with the pinkness feel a little bit thin.
But even those, those usually discomfort associated with it. And again, let your skin be your guide. You might that that's what I do. I tend to get a little pink and then take a few nights off. Then get back into it. Oh, another really cool thing about this one right now. We are doing sweepstakes with this one. I'm so excited. So the sweepstakes goes through the end of August and any purchase of this, all you have to do is purchase it and you're entered into the sweepstakes and there's one entry per product. So if you got five, which. Bold, but okay then you repeat five times into this. The sweepstakes, when we are choosing our winners, the grand prize winner is going to get a year's worth of skincare. There is typically a budget. I don't remember what it is, but it's like up there. It's like 5, 000 or something like that. And then we choose, well, typically we choose three second place winners. This year for the 15 year anniversary, the celebration, we're doing 15 second place winners. We also usually do a 2, 000 budget for the second place winners. This year, we're doing a 3, 000 budget for the second place winners. So yeah, if you're on the fence, or you think this might be the product that you're interested in, now's a good time to check it out because you could be entered. You'll be entered into that sweepstakes. And I feel particularly excited about it because I always get to work with the winners who are so overjoyed. It's two of one. So I'd love it if it was one of you guys. With that, let's pause again and to see if we have any questions about the serum.
Customer: you clarify which serum for heavy, heavy lines, wrinkles and lack of elasticity? I mean, they all sound good. By the time you talk, we hear you talk about all of them,
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: I know, and I appreciate you asking, I would say the Wild Fruit Serum. I really appreciate when people take advantage of the call and we can get personal like that, because there's a ton of information. And the serum starts to sound the same after the 6th one. Any other questions? Grace, how's chat look? Okay, cool.
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: Perfect. So facial oil, we use facial oil as our moisturizer. And we use it for a couple of reasons. The first is, it is a very easily recognizable product. Your body naturally produces oil. Your face naturally produces oil. Even the most dry people, there is some oil that's happening there using an oil, especially a very clean oil like ours, it doesn't take too long for your body to recognize this as a form of moisture. if you're really dry, I've got a really good one for you. If you're oily, I've got a really good one for you. But all in all, it's just this very natural looking, natural feeling source of moisture. So for everyone who uses one, whether you're 20, whether you're 90 plus your skin tends to take on this very healthy kind of full radiance by using a facial oil, your skin looks great. Very naturally healthy. Another thing that we've experienced when we've explored making a cream or making a lotion is that it's actually quite hard to formulate a cream that doesn't use synthetic emulsifiers and maintains its consistency and doesn't use synthetic preservatives and can support having fingers touching it more or less daily. And so without the synthetic preservative any variation we've tried before, it tends to it's great, but then it doesn't have much of a shelf life. So just a little bit of insider info. We actually are working on a cream right now, and it's going to be part of the wild alchemy collection. We're pretty far in the process. So, so far, the formulation has been able to stand. It's what we call microbials, which is just testing that it can basically not mold instantly. The body of it. It looks pretty good. That one's not expected to launch, though, until late this year. It could even be as early as 2025.
So you know, before you get your hopes up, there's a little bit of time, but we are working on one and they'll, of course, will have more to come with it. But for now, we've got the facial oils, and we likely will always have the facial oils. I don't know, because I don't have the product, how they'll integrate, how you might use one over the other.
But that, of course, will come with time. I'm going to speak to just three today, and then maybe we can get into another one or two if we feel like we need to. But I'm going to start with this guy. So this is the Anti-Aging facial oil. This one is Maybe my favorite. I can never decide this one or, or one other. But I do use this one a lot and I love it. It's also another one that's incredibly popular, which again, attributes to the two sizes here, the smaller and the larger. It's also one of our foundational products. I think this was the first or second product we ever launched. And sometimes I'll tell the story, we are all remote now, but we used to have an office and way back in the day, we'd go into the office and there was literally like a gallon jug of Anti-Aging facial oil that we could either refill our little bottles or like just hand out. We had a shop so people could come in, we can hand out samples, but it's so wild to picture now that there's just this, like, gallon glass jug that was, that was at the facility there. But this is a very, very popular one. So this one starts with an organic golden jojoba. And the way we craft our oils is we start with our anchor oil, this in this case, jojoba, and then we steep into it plants, florals CO2 extracts. and it maintains a low heat, so nothing goes over 91 degrees, and then it gets strained, and then it gets bottled. This one, we start with the jojoba, and jojoba is a really perfect one for drier skin. This one mimics skin's natural oil very closely, it mimics the Skin's natural weight and volume very closely. And so this provides a lot of moisture very quickly to the skin. It's this very full natural radiance.
This is a very kind of full bodied oil. We steeped into this one. broccoli seed, chia seed, goji berry, there's another, there are another couple like skin strengtheners basically. And so this is a good one to provide this moisture to soften the appearance, you know, pretty instantly of the appearance of fine lines but then to help to maintain the strength and resiliency of the skin over time.
The next one I'll get into is this one. This is the Rejuvenating Facial Oil. Now this one we formulated a little bit differently. We still started with this organic jojoba oil, this very full, rich, jojoba oil.

We steeped into it. You know, the herbs and plants and things like that. But then we added active ingredients directly into the final blend. So whereas the others we've just steeped them and strained them, with the rejuvenating we've added in these ingredients. And the intention with that was to create essentially the most active facial oil that we could, the most potent facial oil that we could, that was still comfortable enough to be worn more or less daily. But the ingredients we've selected in here, we've got butterfly pea flower, we have blue tansy in here, we've got mungongo seed oil, black cumin seed oil, all of these are directly addressing the appearance of fine lines, directly addressing basically collagen, so elasticity and softening the skin. So softening, the appearance of fine lines, softening, creasing. The mungongo seed oil is incredibly rich and incredibly softening. This one, when we launched this one, we launched this one at the end of 2020. And at the time I had been just super sick and my skin was so parched, like parched to the point of pain. I think I had just not done my routine in several days. But I was then trying to get back into it using the anti aging facial oil. I think I had even used the coconut honey mask, which is a really rich mask, and nothing was really providing this, like, softening, you know, nourishing feel. And then I got this in the mail when we were preparing to launch it and put it on overnight.
My skin was soft. My skin was smooth. I felt like I was actually balanced again. I texted the CEO the next morning and I was like, we nailed it. We actually like this, we really, really nailed this one. And you know, that's just my personal experience, but this is one that I use quite a bit. I do use this one a lot when I do a gua sha treatment.
So I'm doing a little Gua Sha routine. These are both our versions of Gua Sha. There are a million that are out there. Ours are a certified you know, safely sourced jade. So we're working with the small, small little tribes or villages, I guess, in certain areas of China to source this jade. It's like we know the farmers where we get this anyway. All of that is to say, this is really nice. Although if you're wanting a treatment that's helping to lift and smooth and provide this consistent lift to the skin, a gua sha with the rejuvenating facial oil, even every other day goes a long way.
So there is that.
The last facial oil is this little guy here. This is the Herbal Facial Oil for Oily Skin.

This is a pretty light one. This one is hazelnut. Start with hazelnut in this one, which is a very lightweight oil. We have steeped into this one Again, name. We've got white willow bark. We've got I think there's licorice in this one Also bitter orange leaf, which is another one. All of these are designed to gently nourish the skin So still provide this anti aging, still provide this and so this is a really good way to help with that. just so that it's softening to the skin. But then to control the oil. And usually within like three to four days, people start to notice that their skin feels a little bit more balanced. It's not so heavy in the oil. It's not so. You know, there's not quite as much that's happening. And so this can be supportive too. If you're experiencing breakouts or you know, blemishes that that's part of the oily experience. This can help to slow that down also. So I wanted to call that one out. I do really quickly want to just talk about the eye products and then we'll pause for some questions and then we'll get the coupon code and see where we are with time and everything. But I've got two eye products here and these are both incredibly supportive for the eye area. The first one is our fruit ceramide eye serum. And as the name suggests, This is a serum. The consistency is very thin. It, yeah, if you try to put this on last, it would look weird because it would kind of dry over the oil. You want to apply this either right before or right after your facial serum. I usually say right before, but right after is okay too. As long as you're kind of matching up with that very thin consistency here, the formulation of this one, we have a lot of ceramides, a lot of peptides and stem cells in here. So this is a really potent one for drooping in the eye area and creasing in the eye area, specifically like deeper kind of smile lines here, which are lovely. And we don't need to make them go away completely, but sometimes we want to just soften the appearance of them a little bit. And so this can be super supportive of the other one, this guy, this is the Anti-Aging Eye Cream. And again, as the name suggests, the texture is much richer.
It's a full kind of creamy feel to it. This 1 is addressing signs of aging and then some. So we've got stem cells in here. We've got some kind of skin strengthening. A lot of moisturizers. So the consistency of this is pretty like an emollient feeling. But then we've also got ingredients. to help to smooth puffiness And so puffiness under the eyes can really help to smooth that out. And so vitamin K is an ingredient that can be helpful for strengthening the capillary wall. And so then we aren't seeing quite as much darkness that's happening. All of the products, but the eye products specifically will be supported by lifestyle. So make sure you're not over consuming salt and that you're getting good sleep. And all of that is pretty balanced for you. That'll help that go that much further. But generally speaking for puffiness. the appearance of fine lines or just like dryness or irritation around the eyes, that eye cream is pretty good. Because it's a richer consistency, I typically suggest that this one gets applied after the facial oil. You can apply it before. I feel like the oil doesn't really absorb and so then you kind of just look really glossy under your eye. And so I typically say put your oil on and then your eye cream in that order.
Customer: So I wanted to know, I mean, I bought the facial oil, but I thought it's, you know, useful to wipe off. So I was using it at nighttime when I wanted to wipe off My makeup or something. So I put it on and I think she said it's not to be wiped off. That's correct. Yeah after the cleansers?
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: Yep, so your facial oil, that is going to be the final step in your routine unless you're doing the eye cream, which would come right after. So your oil comes after your serum. So you'll cleanse, use the toning mist, use your serum, and then use your facial oil. That's where that will go in your routine. And that's your moisturizer. That is what is providing the moisture onto your skin.
Customer: How do you remove makeup?
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: So, for daily makeup, any of the cleansers are fine. For heavier makeup, you've kind of got two main options. One of them is this one. This is called the restorative cleansing oil, and it is a blend of oils to remove makeup. Yeah, it's thicker, we use a lot of Manuka oil, which is a richer one, and that can remove makeup. For eye makeup, this one's fine. I actually prefer This product, it is called the Herbal Facial Oil for skin that is prone to redness. It's a facial oil. It's designed as a facial oil, but it works really, really nicely to remove mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow, you know, all of that on the eye area. And for both of these, you know, so let's say I had a night, like I went to a wedding recently and so I had a heavier face of makeup. I'm using dry thinkers on a dry face. I'm applying the restorative cleansing oils to the entire face and I've been applying the herbal facial oil for prone to redness to the eye area and then I let it sit on the skin for I don't know for a minute to five minutes. It doesn't take too long But I do give it a minute to kind of break the makeup up And then I just rinse it. I might use a washcloth Especially with makeup. I'll use like a warm wet washcloth to kind of remove it if it's super heavy makeup,
So use the oil to remove the makeup and then use the phytonutrient cleanser to do a second cleanse to make sure everything's been rinsed off.
Customer: I think what I have is a rejuvenating facial oil. Okay. So that one I can wipe it off.
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: So the Rejuvenating Facial Oil is this one And it is a different product. The restorative cleansing oil is the one that is designed to be wiped off. Yes. Okay. Yeah. The Rejuvenating Facial Oil. We want you to leave that on. This is a great, great one. Please leave it on. If you're rinsing it off, you're wasting so much of it. Keep it on the skin.
Customer: Yes. The three bottles. I forgot what they are called. They are in three, in a package, the three little ones.
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: The serum trio? Or was it the cleanser, serum, oil combo?
Customer : They have like vitamin C.
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: yeah. Yeah, these are called the Concentrated Boosting Elixirs
Customer: elixirs. Yes.
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: I do really love these. A lot of times we don't get to them 'cause we don't always have the time. But while we're here, I'll talk about 'em. So as you know, these are a set of three boosters for your products. We've got one called Hydrate. This one is Hyaluronic Acid and Peptides.
This one is. Awesome for hydration for plumping and strengthening You can use morning and evening. we do actually have it in a solo bottle. some people just purchased this one. You also can wear this one directly on the skin. The others are way too intense. Don't put them directly on the face. But this one's really, really mild. So that one can be put directly on the skin. The next one is called Brighton, and it's a concentrated amount of vitamin C. It's a very pure vitamin C. We use L ascorbic acid. Either way, it's one that is not a petroleum derivative and is actually shelf life.
stable which is harder than you might think to find for skincare, a vitamin C. And then it's got a sea buckthorn berry, which is an antioxidant and anti ager. That's part of that. And this one is for brightening the skin. So brightening the complexion, brightening uneven skin tone, fading uneven skin tone on the face, evening out the texture and tone, all of that.
The third one is called revitalize. And this one is basically the retinol alternative. It's a very concentrated amount of the retinol alternative the BioActive A. So again, we don't want this one directly on the face. We recommend this one only overnight. What's cool about this set, and the Revitalize in particular, is that if you're prone to sensitivity, you can really customize how you incorporate the retinol in a way that helps to support your skin. You can start with a single drop. You can start with, you know, two drops go a little lighter, but how you use these boosters, you can mix it into either your serum or your oil. Both are fine. You can technically also mix it into a mask. That's usually not my preference. I just feel like. They cost so much, like I want to keep them on my face, but you can put them into a mask too. What I do is I typically do the serum because it's thinner because it's like right into the skin. I'll do one or two pumps of my serum and then whichever booster or boosters I'm putting into the palm of my hand and then I mix it and then I apply it and put it on the skin that way. The Revitalize, like I mentioned, that one we want only overnight. Because it's got that bioactive A. Another detail that often gets overlooked is the brighten actually kind of cancels out the revitalize when they're used together. So we typically say brighten in the morning, revitalize in the evening.
And then the hydrate can be used either morning or evening, either one. It can go wherever. But yeah, that's the set here. Did that answer any questions you might have had about it? Dorothy or did any more come up?
Customer: No, I just yeah, I have.
I remember the last time you said to mix with the serum. So I'm just wondering, do I have to buy the Activated Night Serum since one of those elixirs has
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: Yeah, that's a common question. And it really comes down to your discretion. I'd say, you know, if you feel like you've got a pretty good blend, you're kind of creating your own night serum by using the Revitalize in a serum. So you don't necessarily have to have the Activated Night Serum as it is a unique blend. And so it does incorporate more hydrators, a lot of different anti agers. And so it's a different product for sure different from all of the other serums, but as far as the activated night, the, the bioactive one, you can kind of build your own and build your own night serum with what you've got.
So it's not necessary, I think, especially if you've got the revitalized, but it is another option you know, just at the minimum for you to know is out there.
Customer: Thank you.
Kate – Annmarie Skin Care In-House Esthetician: Awesome. yeah, if you run into issues, just shoot us an email.
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